7 Quick Takes Friday
I am thirty-one years old. I am now into my thirty-second year. So far I’ve managed to procrastinate supper nearly all week (thanks honey [and Panago]), have shouting debates with my three year old about his misuse of the word ‘no’, and attempt to salvage the remains of some of my pumpkins that said child thought it would be cool to learn how to use scissors on (the sharp kind). Pretty good start, eh? Can’t wait to see what the next week brings.
There were 3 more. They didn’t make it. The poor things.
I bought plants. I probably shouldn’t have. As a result, we now have chocolate mint by our door and a raspberry bush sitting on our patio table. I’m pretty stoked about them, but we’ll see if they survive living in close proximity to this Korvemaker household. I’m not sure how that bush will root itself up on that table, but I hear they can take care of themselves, so…
Can you even tell it’s there?
We are attempting to make a garden in our front lawn. I bought a Raised Garden Bed Kit for Dummies. Can’t go wrong, right? We put it up today, so naturally, Andy cut himself. Needless to say, band-aids were in order. It’s up now, though. Empty, but up. Apparently we need to fill it with soil first. Maybe some plants. See what happens. Apparently these things don’t take care of themselves, like those raspberry bushes.
We’ve finally gotten rid of our second couch tonight. We held it for 4 weeks for someone who was supposed to pick it up this weekend, but when Andy emailed to confirm times, this is what they said: Great. And just when did you plan on telling us? Anyway, reduced the price some and *boom* someone can come pick it up tonight. When they took it away, I was appalled at what had been horded underneath. “What is that, you ask? Ah, yah, that’s just…that’s…uh. Well. Thanks for coming out! Need help? I’ll carry the whole thing out if you leave now.”
This little girl of mine has sort of started solid foods this week. She has this irrational fear (can 8 month olds really fear something?) of spoons. She looks at it and pushes herself as far away as possible. After feeding her with my finger for awhile, I wondered if I could just hide the spoon with my finger. Turns out I can. Score for me.
Or is it? I mean, I’m all yay! solids! what a big girl you are! but really, underneath, I’m thinking, crap. crap crap crap. that’s all you’ll be doing now and it will stink 100% more. Thanks Gerber.
So innocent looking. I’m onto you, baby girl.
Speaking of solids, Cassia helped me re-plant some of my plants this week. She loved helping me. For more 7 Quick Takes, head over to Conversion Diary.