Kids,  Life,  plans,  Travel,  update,  Vacation

It’s a Dangerous Business, Frodo

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

-Bilbo Baggins 50c8dba1a59aa_Ancalagon_Bilbo_Frodo

Our trip has all but concluded this past weekend. We had a merry time about it, and some definite not-so-merry times (as can be expected with two littles and one mama). Overall it was fabulous and we would do it again in a heartbeat, if the opportunity arose.

Three weeks was a long time to be separated from Andy, but we managed with the help of Skype. He got his work done and I, I got my work done too. The kids and I drove. We made it across the prairies and the mountains in 3 days.

We hung out and visited with my mom for about 2 weeks before heading home again. In that time frame, we also made a jaunt to Victoria to visit with my aunt and her family.

Here are some photos from our amazing trip:

IMG_1858Visit to the Vancouver Aquarium (tickets were acquired with air miles!) IMG_1875On the ferry to Victoria! Spencer wasn’t pleased being outside. IMG_1885Butchart Gardens. Oh yes. Very yes. IMG_1901The fountains were a big hit. IMG_1921Spencer needed a break to “dig” and “build” IMG_1946Lunch with my grandfather on the harbour at The Flying Otter Grill. We watched the sea planes heading out into the deep from the harbour right beside us. IMG_1951Fish and chips. How could I not? IMG_1960Visiting the Children’s Farm in Beacon Hill Park. IMG_1979Sitting with great-granddad at his place. IMG_1989Aaaah, the Okanagan! IMG_2001Going for a nice long walk with friends. IMG_1999Can it get any better than this? IMG_2003You probably don’t know it, but it’s one of my dreams to travel the Trans-Canada Trail. This was my first ever exposure to being on the trail (and not just reading tons about it). FYI, PEI is the only province to have a complete trail through it, and Quebec and Manitoba are close to having a complete trail.

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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