When in Doubt…
When in doubt…cook some bacon. Things usually go uphill for at least a little while. Food is on the Mind My non-Lenten-but-feeling-Lenten diet has been quite the battle. Most days it has been…
Attempted Recipe: Fail
I became all inspired to attempt a cauliflower-pizza “dough” recipe , only slightly disheartened by the number of recipes that used cheese or egg as a binder. Quick recap: I’m currently not eating:…
It’s 2018! Amazing!
It’s crazy to think that people born in 2000 will be 18 this year. What’s up with that? Quick-o Update We had a GREAT Christmas and remained HEALTHY despite my mum having a…
Boxing Day. Catapult Style.
Spencer had a thrilling day today putting together his catapult with Andy. And then we played Yahtzee for the first time with him, which he completely loved. Looking Back This little girl fell…
Happiness is… (vol 28)
Going to a Harry Potter release party after 9 years since the last one. Have you no doubt: geek am I. But only in regards to dearest Harry, and some LOTR, but that’s…