food,  Hobbies

Yarn Along


I am thrilled that I finished Spencer’s sweater for his birthday, with only a minor adjustment. I’m now working on my mom’s birthday gift (which comes ridiculously close to Spencer’s), which is a scarf. I love the wool – Illimani Yarn, Silky Baby Llama (70% baby llama, 30% mulberry silk). Oh, it’s divine to work with. I’m almost jealous that I’m giving it away, which means it’s a great gift! I’m also using a herringbone stitch, which takes more effort than straight purl or knit stitch, but I love the effect. It’s slow process, mostly because I keep making mistakes in the stitch and have to unknit half a row to find the problem, but it’s turning out nicely.

I’m reading Home Made. It’s a fun cookery book that has some great ideas in it. We are hoping to try a few cheese recipes! The author also has a couple follow up books – Home Made Winter and a Summer one too that I didn’t know about (good ole’ amazon).

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.


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