About Me
My name is Jane Korvemaker, and it’s very nice to meet you!
I am wife to my other half – Andy – who seldom writes here, but occasionally likes to make his views known. We have been married over a decade and have had adventures in southern California, Edmonton, Ottawa, and now Saskatoon. He loves StarCraft, Star Wars, and beer making. That might nearly sum him up.
What I do
I am a faithful Catholic residing in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, and as transplant from the mountainous region of British Columbia where I grew up. I miss my mountains and hills in this land of endless prairie. But the living skies here make up for it in a vastly different way.
Traveling with my kids is a favourite pastime/learning adventure (even if the drive may drive us crazy sometimes), I love food and have a Certificate in Culinary Arts. I love wine and beer, and enjoy the idea of crafting and have no qualms with attempting projects I have no experience in, even if the final result is disappointing. This is both a blessing and a curse, depending on the result of the endeavour.
Two of my kids have ADHD, diagnosed a couple years ago. While answering a 10 page questionnaire for each of them regarding symptoms, I came to realise that I carried almost all those traits too! And so, my diagnosis of ADHD has come in my late 30s. It has been quite the adventure to incorporate this new dimension of family life into how we operate here. I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn more about myself and my kids. It helps us all be able to respond in more appropriate ways to how we function. This is a huge and positive change! But there are also still a lot of struggles we are working to overcome.
Academics and Writing
I write monthly for CatholicMom.com, you can find those articles here.
I earned my Bachelor in Theology from Newman Theological College in Edmonton, where I met Andy, who was studying as a seminarian at the time. We have a story that is told here, but long to short, we got married after awhile. Post-marriage, we moved to Ottawa for me to pursue a Masters in Pastoral Theology from St. Paul University. I ended it mid-program due to unsatisfactory experiences. I attained my Certificate in Youth Ministry Studies (what an amazing program!) and we loved our time in Ottawa, especially loved the people with whom we connected. And we miss the cheese. Maybe especially the cheese. I’ll be honest – I am still quite attached to the cheese, as well as the people.
I am currently in the throes of doing a Master of Divinity through Newman. It is a part-time endeavour simply because life is busy with three kids and a household. I may have to ask for extensions if life gets hectic, but I hope to have it finished in 6 years.
I am a Catechist in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, and I started an Atrium in the Autumn of 2016 and, due to the Spirit’s unyielding desire to have the program in my parish, it has endured and will be starting again post-pandemic (yay!). I’m thoroughly excited to help give kids the tools they need to develop their relationship with Jesus!
Welcome to my blog and I hope you enjoy your time here!