feasts,  food,  Kids,  Liturgical Year

Election Day

Who did you vote for? This time around, I voted for the Greens. I hardly expect that they’ll win in our riding, but there you have it. Primarily, I like their platform, I like their push for sustainability, I want the income splitting, and the candidate in our riding has an extremely strong background in ethics, which I feel (at the time of this election) the Conservatives as well as Liberals need a healthy dose of. There is a possibility that had we had a competent NDP candidate, I would have voted NDP. However we didn’t, and it would not have served my community well.

Spencer took his first step today! It was utterly amazing to sit there and watch as he stood on his own for 20 seconds (Andy was timing him), and then become interested in my umbrella and so take a step towards it. Then giggle. Then stand some more. Then sit down. I am super pleased that both Andy and I were there to witness it – what a great moment! He wouldn’t do it again for us, but I am sure that he’ll be experimenting more in the weeks to come. Will keep you updated on the progress!

We finally had a chance to sit and do some meal planning for the Easter (and beyond) season. We will be having a 2 week meal schedule full of tasty delights! I’m hoping to be able to post a couple recipes a week for those who might be interested. If you are interested and I forget, please remind me 🙂

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He’s pretty crazy about his truck

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Trying to stuff the whole orange in his mouth…

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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