
Back into the grind

I have finally uploaded the photos for one-a-day shots of Spencer. I had been taking them (mostly), but couldn’t upload them.

Apart from that, I have found a wonderfully humorous blog about parenting (thanks to a link from Dallas Croteau):  Moms Against Ostriches. The reason for the name is explained in one of the pages linked on the main page. It’s terribly funny, and it sure makes me feel much better. If you want a laugh, enjoy the site (and don’t take it too seriously or you’ll hurt yourself) 🙂

Here are the ones from the past month or so. Enjoy!

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August 18th

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August 19th. He can hold his own bottle now! I can’t believe how big he’s getting.

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August 20th. The tough guy.

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August 21. He started chewing his soother at an odd angle while we were away. I’m sure it was Nana who taught him that one…

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August 22. Hanging out in his new high chair.

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August 23. This is my boy at meal times. Uber excited to get the food into his mouth.

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August 24. He sucks his lower lip. All the time. Andy thinks it’s very cute.

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August 25. Mmmmmm. I’ll bet that’s squash in the nose.

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August 28. Sooo thrilled to be in the exersaucer.

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August 31. Spencer’s first attempts to crawl led him directly to this area. 4 times. Different days.

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September 2. This is the face he gives us when we’re not moving fast enough to get the food in his mouth.

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September 4.

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

One Comment

  • Jenn

    Oh Jane he’s so so gorgeous!!! Those big blue eyes!! He looks like a lotta fun. Getting ready for hide and seek already! Hope adjusting back into school is going well 🙂

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