
  • St Hildegard of Bingen

    Hildegard of Bingen. Today’s her feast day, this doctor of the Church. I learned a lot about her earlier this year while writing a 15 page paper on one of her visions. Her…

  • Welp, It’s Almost Advent

    I marvel at how time absolutely flies. I’m still stunned it’s not at least the beginning of November, if not September. Have I honestly been directing homeschool since mid-August? Feeling a bit like…

  • O Sapientia

    We’re well into the O Antiphons already, but I can’t help to reflect on the first of the Antiphons, my most favourite of all: O Wisdom of our God Most High, guiding creation…

  • Habemus Pascham!

    Happy Easter! My best pictures of our family for Easter are our pre-Vigil “what-happened-we’re-actually-too-early” snack. Hope you all had a great Easter day! We made Korvemaker-Vigil history with a first-ever hair catching fire…