Churchy Things,  feasts,  Liturgical Year

What I Wore Sunday #wiws

whatiworeHappy Easter day! To end such an epic Octave, I actually managed to get Andy to take a photo of myself with el kiddos.

IMG_5691Our of all the pictures we took, Spencer kept the same face through it, unbeknownst to us. And I have no idea what Cassia’s trying to convey…something between disgust and a smile? And after this we cut off all of Spencer’s hair.

On me:
epic cheap-pack socks (I wore boots, hence the I-don’t-care socks)
dress: Reitmans
sweater: Thyme Maternity (though the sweater has no maternity value to it whatsoever)
fascinator: gift from a friend
all kids clothes: Once Upon a Child or hand-me-downs from friends

2015-03-09 15.27.11 It’s been busy with sickness and holy week and recovering from both, but we’re almost back on our feet here. Hope you had an amazing Easter and a lovely Octave!

Join in on the fun with What I Wore Sunday at Fine Linen and Purple!

2015-03-16 16.21.202015-03-10 08.14.24IMG_5683

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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