
Home Sweet Home

We’re back! And with cherry syrup and cherry-chipotle BBQ sauce to boot! That’s what you get when you (against your husband’s better judgement) make a purchase of 20 lbs  of BC cherries at the Farmer’s Market. Yum! My first canning experience has been a success with the syrup, and as we speak, the BBQ sauce is in the pot canning away now. Hoping this one works out too!

Our place that we’ve ended up renting is a duplex, which means that we have a back yard (hurrah!), it is close to schools and parks, it is close to a mall that has groceries and other such important household goods, close to a community/civic centre with a pool, transit (though I anticipate I shall sorely miss Ottawa’s transit system), and the river & its pathways. On top of all that, we are still hoping we will be able to bike to work (once the church is in a new location, I think it might take about 40-60 minutes, based on my horrible shape). Ultimately, the place costs just slightly more than what we were paying in Ottawa for a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath apartment, but we get a 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom duplex out of it instead (though no covered parking). A very win situation for us!

Work has started well; I need to start making my lists so that I don’t forget what projects I need to be working on and to help give more of a sense of accomplishment. I am enjoying working in the parish; I’m really enjoying meeting volunteers and working with them. It’s bringing a lot of joy :).

That’s about all I’ll update with right now. If I try for more info in this post it’ll never happen. Here are some photos of our new place! I’ll post more this week of upstairs and downstairs.

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The front of our place

[singlepic id=1212 w=320 h=240 float=center]
Messy living room & view into the kitchen

[singlepic id=1213 w=320 h=240 float=center]
Kitchen & back yard

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Back yard

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.


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