
Contribution to Making My Home

I’ve always felt that the term ‘homemaker’ was derogatory; I believe that there have been many negative stereotypes of this job and too few positive ones. Yet I don’t think there is a more apt name for those parents (yes, it does include men) who choose to stay at home and ‘make’ their home. I don’t believe it takes away from those who have to work and can’t stay at home (I’m one of them, part-time); it’d be like saying ‘you can’t be an artist cause it takes away from the science of my medical profession’. Or something like that. That’s how I picture the comparison, at any rate.

So, my most recent contribution to home making has been attempting to knit diaper covers (soakers) for Spencer’s cloth diapers. With covers (that I’ve bought it the past) running at about $20 per each, knitting them at $5 per cover seems like a  reasonable alternative. Add in the fact that I enjoy knitting and find it relaxing and I have a win/win situation. I’m pretty impressed that I’ve started on this experiment given that my only other claims to fame for knitting include scarves and bags. This is quite the step up. Good thing the only knowledge I need of knitting is the knit stitch, the purl stitch, increasing and decreasing stitches. That’s it. I can do all of those, so hurray!

So here’s my latest contribution-in-the-making. What do you do to make your home?

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Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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