Leaves and Newness
Well well, it looks like it’s been awhile since I’ve updated here. Of course, I knew this. My biggest obstacle was that our website was no longer uploading photos properly and this, apparently, has really really deterred me from a desire to update. Andy says he’s changed that finally and that we are back in working order. So! A Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Life has settled down for us in a healthy way, and is gearing up in other ways. I finally left a very very stressful situation, while maintaining my dignity (which I always such a hard thing to do when I am in a really hurtful situation), and have moved on. I have successfully completed the first of three parts to gain my Aromatherapy certification. Speaking of which, is anyone in Saskatoon looking for a massage? I need 35 clients (while I am in ‘student mode’) to complete certification. I am successfully gestating a little baby, who is now 23 weeks along. Anticipated due date at this point is May 13th. All prayers are appreciated for this little one! I am very excited to meet the baby; we recently had our first meeting with our doula (Jude, the same wonderful woman who attended me and Andy with Cassia) and she also spurred on more excitement, talking about the coming birth. We are waiting until the birth to find out the gender, like we did with Cassia. So much anticipation!
The kids and I (sans Andy) went to Cincinnati last week to visit my Goddaughter, who was Confirmed. We had such an amazing time there. Spencer was most saddened to leave, having made some great friendships with my cousins, and it was such a great time reconnecting with family! Grace and I had lots of fun during her Confirmation (eagerly anticipating, of course) and thoroughly enjoyed celebrating such a great event!! Thank you guys so much for the invite – it was amazing for all of us!
My business that I’ve started has been a joy – I have thoroughly enjoyed each encounter that I’ve had with people who buy my products, and I’m loving making things and inventing new recipes for future seasons. It’s opened up a new part of my life that is bringing me happiness, which is a great change. And I’m my own boss, which clearly is a great choice for me right now. I can actually direct my company in the direction it needs to go and I make the call in how it happens and how quickly or slowly. It’s such an amazing change to really have the freedom to live out the discernment that I am doing with both my life and my work. God willing, I will follow this as far as I’m called to go with it. It’s working well for our family so far, which has been a top priority.
Spencer just turned 4. That little boy of ours has been encountering the world now for 4 years. It’s just so hard to believe. He’s such a beautiful person and I feel blessed to be a part of his journey in life. He is such a gift to Andy and I, even amidst tantrums and spilled drinks (his too).
Cincinnati – trip to the aquarium. We loved the penguins.
In all solemnity, waiting for the Confirmation ceremony to begin…
With a bit of goofiness thrown in, of course…(my idea)
Hurray for being Confirmed! Yay bishop! Yay chrism! Yay Holy Spirit!
They’ve got the joy! Welcome fully into the community!
Last chance photo – we miss you guys already!
Birthday boy. Homemade ice cream car cake – all thanks to el Daddy-o! Delicious!
This is what it looks like to be 4. Or so he indicated.
On a nicer note, this is also 4.
Cassia wanted her picture taken too. I complied. Happily.

One Comment
Loved the stories and pictures of everyone.