Today I was given time to start my sewing project! Hurrah! And wow, do I ever feel like I need a refresher on how to go about this business. Even such simple things as pinning the pattern to the fabric rather than holding it freehand to trace the pattern onto the fabric. I shake my head at myself, and hopefully everything will still work out all right.
Andy’s sick today. Not terribly sick, but needing naps and had a funk in the throat this morning. Looks like he won’t be completely exempt from sickness like we were hoping. Maybe some more tea tree oil tonight…
Palm Sunday. Mass today was beautiful. I can’t recall a time that I’ve enjoyed Palm Sunday mass so much. We started in the hall gathering our palms and listening to the Gospel about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, singing hosanna and waving our palms in procession into the church (and people were singing in time with the music even at the very end of the procession, and so many people were truly waving their palm branches during the procession – including Spencer!). The music makes such a difference to my experience of the mass, and they did such a wonderful job. Spencer had a good time during it all, signing ‘music’ quite a bit whenever there was singing, and occasionally bobbing in time with the beat. Such a great experience and a great start to our Holy Week.
Anybody else have a great experience today?
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A little impy boy getting into Daddy’s box.
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Cut out fabric for my bag – you can see a bit of the green lining under one of the long straps.