health,  Hobbies

On hold

It was much nicer out today! Lovely to be free of rain for a day, and the sun even shone for the end of the day. Monday is my errand day with the car. Today included a trip to the bloodwork lab (annual check up), a trip to the chiropractor for Spence and I, and unfortunately, a trip to the sewing store to get the sewing machine checked up again :(.

Hopefully it’s not just me that’s the problem…I wish I could say with confidence that it’s not. The problem started when I switched to a thicker material and the thread tension went array. I tried adjusting the tension every which way the manual said to with no great results. The same thing happened over and over and over again. So, we shall see. Will possibly be picking up the machine tomorrow, and maybe Wednesday I can get started on the project again.

Spencer had his 4rd hair cut on Sunday. His first hair cut was by hand. The first time we used the buzzer on him he was fine with it, the second time he wailed the whole time, and this time he just whimpered. I feel bad about it, but his hair was getting much too long (about to become a long-haired punk). At least he received a nice, long bath afterwards. He loves his baths still.

Some photos from my project, and a picture of Spencer before his hair cut. I’ll post one tomorrow of his new-do.

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See all the loopies?

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Looks horrible, no matter how many times I tried different tensions.

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Spence getting ready for his hair cut and bath

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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