feasts,  Life

7 Quick Takes Friday

Seven-Quick-Takes-510x510Linking up with Kelly.


2016-06-10 15.10.28 - edit smNap transition. So, all you parents of young’uns have dealt with this…Cassia has a bad combo of being a night-owl and also napping in the afternoon (1.5 hours, roughly). She doesn’t need the nap, as she has a hard time going to bed at bedtime without it – with the nap, she often doesn’t fall asleep until about 10 (so frustrating!). Have you any good tips for transitioning? Currently she has what we call ‘quiet time’ for 1.5 hours in the afternoon, which was initially meant to be either napping or playing by themselves. I would prefer her to play but I always find her curled up at the end. And she’s always a mess when she wakes up. A very unhappy whiny girl. Tips anyone?


We will be heading on vacation soon to happy Mexico! I’m looking forward to the endless drinks, Andy is dreading the heat. So, it’ll be a happy time, right? I’m desperately hoping that I’ll have a batch of homemade sunscreen to bring along for testing purposes. I just can’t get the water-based lotion to set properly with the preservative (*ugh!*) so I’m heading back down my initial path: homogeneous oil-based variety, similar to consistency of the bum cream I make. No separation issues with this, I’ll be sure!


I’m actively procrastinating the writing of the homeschool summary report. It’s due in 5 days. If anyone’s interested in doing it for me, I’m all ears.


Spencer and I are reading The Hobbit as a part of our Kindergarten curriculum and I’m so excited. I think he’s nearly as excited as I am, which just gives me such encouragement. I love that book, and so far he tells me, “I don’t like it. I love it!”


My baby girl turned two last month. And her vocabulary has vastly expanded within the last few weeks. Just today she came up to me after finding a long-lost soother and said, ‘It’s broken’ indicating the rip in it. I had no idea she knew that word. If you haven’t seen her cute interpretation of ‘stinky bum, I encourage you to watch the 10 seconds of it here.


I’ve started writing for The Catholic Hipster blog in addition to Catholic Mom. It feels a little more laid-back and, well, hip. There are some great articles up there so if you have a coffee head over there and check it out. You can even read my first article there.


Feast of St. Mary Magdalene! July 22! About darned tootin’ time. That is all.

St Mary Magdalene mosaic by Lawrence OP (2010) via Flickr.
St Mary Magdalene mosaic by Lawrence OP (2010) via Flickr.

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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