Visiting & Knitting
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This has been a most awesome weekend, especially having been joined by my mom for the past 5 days or so. I am sad she left today; we felt unfortunately busy while she was here, but it was great to spend what time we had together, and even more great was Halloweening.
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Spencer dressed up as a dog, the costume was thanks to my mom. He loves dogs and loved his costume. We went to about 7 houses just down our street, then wandered a couple blocks over to friends’ of ours who have a little girl about Spence’s age. She was dressed up as Mr. T. That was pretty darned cute. We had a good night, Spence definitely started getting cold towards the end. It was really nice to see so many kids out in the neighbourhood – we counted roughly 95 who came to our door.
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In addition to such an awesome Halloween, my mom just -happened- to bring along a beef tenderloin roast, which we happily consumed in the form of beef wellington Sunday night. That was amazing. And she cleaned our house for us like we never could…though we are having troubles finding a few items….we’re not sure if it was Spencer or my mom ;). Small price to pay for the wonderfully clean kitchen that we are already crying over losing slowly.
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In other news, I’m nearly done Spencer’s cloth diaper soakers; I have about 1 hour or so left on them and then I need to lanolize them before giving them a whirl. Very excited about them though, even if they seem slightly big. I’m crossing my fingers.
That’s about all that’s new in the Korvemaker house. How was your Hallowe’en?
Ooh! You tried a beef wellington?! Where’d you get your recipe from? I’ve been interested in trying one of those out for a while…
And do you want any more chocolate bars? I have an ice cream pail full. I only had about 7 kids come last night…
For the chocolate, I’d say it’s more of a need than a want. 🙂
I mostly get my recipes either from or We may have added bacon to the recipe…just because :). It’s not terribly hard to make. If you bring the tenderloin, we can make it together here 🙂