Oops, She Did It Again

That 2 year old. She is absolutely intent on cutting her hair. So she did it again. Le sigh. And I won’t be calling her a 2 year old for much longer (eek!). Nine days to go until the birthday!
And we had a great tooth-full Easter. Or, maybe lack-thereof. Spencer’s first teeth that have come out all on their own (no dentist intervention needed, whew!). He was so very very thrilled that they came out the same day – one in the morning, the other at bedtime. The one that was left hanging (literally by some sinew or something, hardly anything) came out because I was worried he might swallow it in his sleep. He was opposed at first (I’d been offering to use floss to tug it out), but then relented after we shared our worries. He thought it would hurt a lot, but I said that it would hurt at first, there would likely be some blood, then it would stop and not hurt anymore, fairly quickly. Now, this is going off of a memory of just shy 30 years ago, buuuuut I figured it was probably true.
So I tugged a couple times, it popped out with a surprised cry and then joyful dancing. “Mommy! You were right! It hurt a little at first, then it stopped right away!”
Who just won the Mommy-For-Truth award? Yup. Me. His utter surprise that I was right was a mild downer, but I took the award and ran. 😀
And I went for allergy testing. Let me tell you – they all itched like CRAZY! Not anaphylactic, thank goodness, but explains last year’s Birch pollen season to a ‘T’.
Before I left the allergy specialists’ office, he gave me an antihistamine, as well. So this was a relatively treated reaction. And that bump for the birch (in the circle) lasted for about two and a half days, maybe three. The one on the right (arrow pointing) was response to dust mite. It didn’t last as long; I think it was reduced by the next morning. But that birch, holy. cow. Some nasty stuff right there. I also had a strong reaction to grass pollen. Which means that my allergy season effectively runs from May-August. It’s only all of the summer, right, so no worries there. Not like we venture outdoors like we’ve been hibernating all winter or anything.
Turns out, if your allergist knows stuff, they can pretty accurately predict your allergies. He had asked if I have had any reactions to foods. I mentioned I once got hives in my mouth from a peach. And it started with lips tingling, which I also get with apples. Sometimes. After the test, he gave me a sheet that had a good explanation of the allergy. I’m highly allergic to birch pollen protein, and depending on which part of that protein I react to, my body can react also to similar proteins. Like those in peach, apple, and a bunch of others. It is unlikely to be allergic to everything in that scope, but I am susceptible to them because their protein is similar. He said in particular, when I mentioned the lips tingling, he was convinced it was at least the birch, because the tingling is very common in birch allergies.
And this week is full of Confirmation-First Eucharists at Andy’s work. 170 kids over 3 packed nights. So I’m letting the kids watch shows. While I make supper. So I don’t go insane. In my attempt to tone down the cartoons, though, I “forced” them to watch How the Earth Was Made, focusing on volcanoes.
So interesting! Supper was slightly delayed as I spent a little too much time watching along. The girls lost interest only about 10 minutes in (“but I didn’t want to watch that show!”), but Spencer is enthralled. He even said, while they were showing the work they are doing studying Hawaii, that maybe when he grew up he could be a scientist and work learning about volcanoes. That’s pretty high praise from this 7 year old!
I borrowed this DVD from the library because this summer we are going on a very epic journey to see two major things: a supervolcano and the complete solar eclipse.
Oh, and heading to Rome in two years, but that’s another post.