Major News in the Korvemaker Lives
As you may guess from the picture, we’re expecting a baby in early March! I’m currently just over 12 weeks along in the pregnancy, and overall, things have seemed fairly typical. I started having ‘morning’ sickness about the 5th week, which was really horrible. I could mostly manage to eat crackers, grapes, and water. We found a family doctor about a week later, and she prescribed me with Diclectin, which is an anti-nausea prescription, made of an anti-histamine and vitamin B6. I have to say, I am very very happy that she did. Although I was still turned off by many many foods, I could actually manage to eat again. And apparently it’s only available in Canada. Again, I’m very glad I moved back, though obviously not for that reason at the time :).
As of last week, the morning sickness started to subside, which I’m very thankful for. I think Andy is too, as he’s been making all the meals. And I’m not complaining to him as much :).
I had an ultrasound at the end of July. The puny little thing had a heartbeat going, while it’s total length did not exceed 1.27cm. That was really neat. And one thing I learned from that trip – one does NOT need to drink the total amount of water that they tell you to drink before an ultrasound. I was waddling (with Andy’s help) from the reception room to the ultrasound room when the ultrasonographer told me that I didn’t need to be that uncomfortable. I was very thankful for that. And now I know.
We’re going to be going with a midwife for the pregnancy, which, unlike most of the other provinces, has had provincial coverage (like doctors) since about 1994. It’s a very official thing here. I think Alberta has only just started a midwifery college in the south.
Aaaand just yesterday I found out that I have gestational diabetes. Our midwife is setting me up with an appointment with a nurtitionalist from the Canadian Diabetes Association, which will be a great help. It’s just unfortunate :(.
So that is our big news. In other news, we just had a wonderful visit from Heather, Andy’s sister. We went camping in Algonquin Park, which was wonderful. We had nearly no bugs (YAY!), a fire every night (though we had the worst luck this trip starting them – I think it’s because all the park wood was mostly damp, and they weren’t allowing any outside wood in the park), went swimming nearly everyday, and were sooooo lazy, it was wonderful. The only down side was that we were relatively near the vaulted toilets, and the smell nearly drove me to vomiting every time I had to use them. We didn’t get the smell in our campsite, thank goodness, but I hated using those things. We saw a meteor shower on the 12th, which was absolutely amazing. We just decided to lie on our picnic table to watch the stars when we saw a lot of meteors flying through the sky. They were the biggest I’ve ever seen before in my life; with a few of them, you could definitely make out a round shape of something flying through the sky, and a number of them were green in colour. It was the craziest I’ve ever seen. And they weren’t just flashes of light, they were big streaks across the sky. SOOOO amazing. That was a wonderful surprise. It was Perseid meteor shower, which has been viewed by people on earth for about 2000 years.
Other than that, we’re not doing too much. Andy’s back to work officially in September, and orientation week for my school is the week of Sept. 8th. We’re going to be starting a baby pool in September to guess the specifics of the kid, so keep an eye out for that. Otherwise, we’d like to hear how everyone else is doing!
Take care!