
Spencer Makes Our Lives Interesting In Ways We Never Imagined

I could never have imagined the words would or could be issued from Andy’s mouth. “SPENCER! The tub is not a toilet!” I am sure you can imagine what business created the circumstance for that phrase to be let loose. Needless to say, we now have a bleached tub.

Perhaps I shouldn’t be so hard on the boy – recently he has been sick, and he’s lost most of his voice because of it. I guess he’s out of sorts, so it should excuse any manner of misbehaviour. But the underlying question remains – is this something he would have done anyway? In which case, our whole attitude toward baths for Spencer needs to be evaluated (eg. emergency plans created for dire circumstances). Our lives have become interesting.

Today I had my first class in Pastoral Canon Law, which basically goes over the major canon law issues that parishes repeatedly encounter, while giving a basic understanding of Canon Law and its methods. Eventually the hope is to know exactly what situations I should not get myself involved in and to pass off to other, more learned people. I learned a decent bit today, like the fact that I already have the textbook. I was thrilled.

I just received some disturbing news: a friend from my hometown has gone missing from a hike in the Pemberton area. If you are at all able to, please pray for a safe return of her and her companion to their families, who I am sure are anxious and terribly worried. And if you have seen Rachel Bagnall at all since September 2nd, please contact the RCMP with the information as soon as possible.

Here are some pictures from the past few days:

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September 7. Spencer’s talent for the day. I have 3 photos of him sucking his toes in his gallery from this day.

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September 9. He’s getting so growed up! Nearly sitting on his own!

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September 10. This is our experience in reading books to Spencer: we hold the book open with the pretty pictures and read while Spencer tries his best to eat the book.

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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