• It’s Going to Get Busy

    Wow! It's Hallowe'en and November is almost here! Where did the time go? We have been busy, but November will be a super-busy month for us. Well, especially me. Every weekend is nearly…

  • It’s A…

    Boy! If you haven't already heard the news, we're going to be having a little baby boy! And the due date changed slightly to March 11th. He's apparently active, but I haven't been…

  • Taking Guesses

    Quick update - going for my ultrasound on Wednesday at 2pm, want to know if anyone has any guesses on the gender! For those of you who have picky superstitions, there are two…

  • Major News in the Korvemaker Lives

    [img_assist|nid=189|title=Andy|desc=|link=node|align=center|width=481|height=640] As you may guess from the picture, we're expecting a baby in early March! I'm currently just over 12 weeks along in the pregnancy, and overall, things have seemed fairly typical. I…