7 Quick Takes Friday #7QT #7for7
Tuesday was a great day to go to the lake. Or so I thought. It turned out to be a beautiful morning, not too hot – not too cold. Last time we went it was great too – there were more dragonflies around than we may have preferred, but it certainly kept us mosquito free, so it was seen as a plus. Once I got Spencer out, he ran to the playground first while I unpacked the car & the girl. So when I went to retrieve him I realised that there were quite a few more mosquitoes than last time. Perhaps it was just the grass by the playground? Getting set up on the beach, I had to stop a quarter of the way through to apply my bug off oil! I was being eaten alive! And my poor baby girl – she didn’t even know why she was getting these nasty pinches everywhere! Spencer – well, apparently mosquitoes don’t like him all that much, he hardly swatted any. But as for me and Cassia – we were hot on their ‘eat NOW’ list. Where did all the dragonflies go? So unfortunately we left earlier than I had wanted due to my becoming grumpy from so many around and not relaxing much at all. Oh well. Perhaps another day.
Andy started vacation on Wednesday! Woo hoo! 3 whole weeks baby! To which we’ll be mostly putting up a fence. Anyone wanna come join us? Have some baby cuddle time? It’s going to be a challenge doing it with the two littles around, but we are determined.
Speaking of fences, this is what it looks like now: We are going to expand it to this:
This will give us room for a shed and an little playhouse that we are hoping to build next summer (God willing). It will also give more room to play outside. Now, if we could only figure out how to reduce the number of mosquitoes back there…
A tooth. Two teeth, actually. She’s got them. One on top, the other right below it (not visible).
Wednesday, apart from being a celebratory day for Andy starting vacation, was also the 100 anniversary party for Saskatoon transit. They were holding a free BBQ downtown, and the bus rides were free all day. So we packed ourselves up and got us downtown.
By the time we hit the food, they had run out of hamburger buns and also hot dogs. So we enjoyed a hamburger in a hot dog bun. I did see later that they had more buns (likely hot dogs too), but it was a unique experience. It was nice to get out like that. How kind of them to schedule it on Andy’s first day of holiday.
We are going to see Audrey Assad this weekend! I’m so thrilled to be able to see her in concert. Such inspiring music – I’m just giddy over this opportunity! And not only that, but I’ll get to see her again in November when she tours with her new album, so I’m getting two concerts in one year with two different albums (at least, I’m assuming she’ll be changing it up once her new album is released on August 13th. And yes, you should go buy it).
When we get back from the concert I feel like I need to get into my ‘desperate to clean’ mode. Ever feel like you’ve suddenly been transported and your place looks so piled up with stuff and boxes that it looks like you’re moving? No? Oh, well, it apparently happens with regularity here. I need to put a stop to it, so I am anticipating some scourging happening next week. I’m not looking forward to it though. Does anybody, really?