7 Quick Takes Friday
It snowed. Now it rains too. I feel very fortunate that it came after Hallowe’en, as it allowed the kids to really have time enjoy the evening before extremities went numb. The kids went as Thing 1 and Thing 2, and I made a Cat in the Hat hat for Andy. I sat at home, ate candy, and watched Once Upon a Time.
Speaking of Once Upon a Time, I’m totally addicted. Every chance I get I seem to attempt to turn it on. It’s a little tricky, as it’s not really kid-friendly material (scary stuff happens!), but I’m up into season 2. I don’t know if it’s the pregnancy hormones or what, but I seem to bawl at least once per episode. I’m a wuss when it comes to watching a show like this, apparently.
Pregnant. Still. I have had nearly no morning sickness with this babe, which continually astonishes me and I question whether I can really be pregnant without being sick. Both with Spencer and Cassia I needed meds to be able to eat enough for my body to function. Not so with this babe. Not so at all. Except for jalapeno popper chips. Those don’t seem to agree with me (or babe).
We are hoping that Andy’s parents are able to weather the snow storm and come visit us today. We have high hopes of going to Audrey Assad’s concert tonight kid-free, and Spencer is so thrilled at the thought of them coming to visit. I just hope that the weather stays light and roads clear for driving. *sigh* A week ago we didn’t have this type of worry.
Audrey. Assad. Here. Yes, she’s singing in the Cathedral tonight. And I can’t be more excited for it. Twice (unexpectedly) in one year! I really feel truly blessed in this opportunity, and this time it will be most of her music from her new album, Fortunate Fall, which is almost preternaturally reflective and beautiful. I can’t get enough of it (when I’m not watching Once Upon a Time).
I will be up in Prince Albert next weekend (November 16th) for a Girl Guides craft fair with my business – Mama Knows Best Natural Products (the site needs product updating, so bear with it)! It’s my first ever, so prayers would be much appreciated. I’m a little nervous and feel like I might not be able to get all the work I need to done in time. Gah! However, I have some cool Christmas products I’m excited about, including a 2 Kings Body Scrub and Mulled Wine bath salts. Mmm, now you can not only enjoy a glass of wine in the bath, but you can carry the scent with you through your relaxation (it really smells delicious and I wish I could have mulled wine).
Matthew Warner has a great article today called ‘What’s Your Idle’, which talks about where we spend our time idling during the day and how how we typically use that time doesn’t contribute to our well being. I totally encourage you to read it – it’s given me some food for thought. I might not be willing to completely give up on my Once Upon a Time show, but perhaps I could shave it down a bit and do something more creative or purposeful with that time.