
7 Quick Takes Friday


As I said yesterday, I made Beer Battered Fish and Chips. All I can think about now is what else I can deep fry. Mars Bars tops my list. And maybe some oreos. Too bad we haven’t any in the house. We forced ourselves to eat as much of the fish we could, knowing they won’t taste as good today. I’m still full.


We had family over for supper on Tuesday and I tested another recipe out – The Ooh-La-La Burger. And, oohhhh, la la! What an amazing taste sensation. If you have a couple hours to kill and want a seriously amazing meal, check this one out. All of us seemed pretty satisfied with it. The red-wine caramelized onions and the thymed mushrooms went amazingly together, and when on top of the burger itself….oh, so, so good. Unfortunately I didn’t get any pictures of this one, but I’m looking forward to using the BBQ instead of the oven with them when it gets warmer!


Cassia had her first public laugh this week. I say public because once, while I was napping with her, she let out an amazingly clear and cute laugh while completely unconscious. That was about 3 weeks prior this one, which was directed at her brother ‘playing games’ with her, as he calls it. You can see the short video I caught of it on youtube:


I have mostly completely moved to cloth diapers for Cassia. I say mostly because we don’t actually have enough for me to do two days. I need two days because we haven’t a drier (a choice we’re currently happy with) so they have to air dry, which takes about a day. I could get through about 1.5 days with them, but then it makes awkward trying to do a day with only half of them. Anyway, hoping to purchase some more diaper covers soon.

5. I might be obsessed. Some people obsess with pintrest (which I do, some days), but ravelry? Oh my. There are so many, many possibilities! All beautiful and wonderful things I can make for my family! The only thing deterring me is altering some of the patters to sizes. And yarn. I have some yarn, but not enough for the likes of what I want to do. And now I’m all interested in learning to crochet (because how can one not want to create a cute hat like this one? Or this little ensemble?). Ah, if only I wasn’t limited by time and money!


Meanwhile, back in my knitting reality, I’m still working on the back half of Spencer’s sweater. After I finish that, I’ll have the sleeves to do. I’m still hoping it’ll be done for his birthday, but I’m starting to doubt. I’ll admit it. Having two little ones, one who can run, seems to take priority.


And here’s Spencer, eating a ‘hey! this is quick!’ meal of hot dogs. Using a spiffy gift from his Grandpa (my dad) that he got for Christmas.

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Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.


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