Answer Me This & What I Wore Sunday #wiws
1. What’s your favorite grocery store splurge?
Cheese. It’s always cheese. Usually Camembert, occasionally Boursin, and since I’ve discovered that Costco sells cheese curds, those have also become a more regular splurge (how else am I to make good poutine?). I love cheese. Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese.
2. How’s your penmanship?
Not bad. Mostly legible. I can print nicely enough when I’m not in a rush, which is usually never. My writing isn’t bad, but I’ve never attempted to refine it. Since, like, grade 5. I like the look of handwriting very much though.
Do you like how I misspelled “school”? No backspacing here. And too much work to redo 🙂
3. Do you have a “Summer Bucket List?”
Um, it was camping, which is done.
Next is ‘go to Prince George’ which will be next weekend.
Other than that, I have this:
- pack for trips
- do laundry and unpacking from previous trip
- water garden so it doesn’t die
- register Spencer for homeschool & organise “curriculum”
My list is pretty low. Why do we need a ‘bucket list’ anyway? Isn’t that just renaming a ‘to do’ list with another name, anyway? That which we call a rose by any other name…
Low key. That’s what makes thing successful here. Low key.
4. What’s the best thing on the radio right now?
I don’t have a best, I don’t believe. I love the majority of Maroon 5’s stuff. So, obvio Sugar tops that right now (and the video was so sweet, even if it was staged).
While I love Maroon 5, I LOVE Mike Tompkins accapella and his remakes tons, so I’m giving him some love on his remake.
And I like this song Budapest by a guy named George Ezra. It’s light and fun. And his voice is awesome. Reminiscent of something that makes me groove.
And I totally agree that Shut Up and Dance by Walk Off the Earth is totally fun.
And Andy’s been all over Honey, I’m Good by Andy Grammer since it came out on the radio. Even the kids know he likes it now. And he’s totally rockin’ the name thing with him.
I tried to like Taylor Swift’s new song Bad Blood, but I really don’t. And the video is kinda….odd.
5. Ice cream or frozen yogurt?
I like both. Definitely find ice cream creamier (crayyyyz, eh?) but I like both. I just recently bought us a tub of Chapman’s Caramel Coconut Blondie frozen yogurt and boy, is that stuff delicious.
For the LAST of this Answer Me This series, check out more at Catholic All Year.
What I Wore Sunday
On me: dress – Reitmans
Sweater – Smart Set
Shoes – from Payless Shoes, brand – Comfort Plus (super comfortable!)
Cassia: hand-me-down, brand – Sears baby
Spencer: shirt – Osh Kosh
pants – church rummage sale, brand – American Hawk
Felicity: dress – Once Upon a Child, brand – Carter’s
And I wish I was always able to accessorize, but it’s so hard to get out the door by the point that I’m dressed! I did manage to put a clip in my hair:
For more ensembles, check out Fine Linen & Purple!
Happy Sunday!