Alcohol,  Life,  Liturgical Year

7 Quick Takes Friday


Lent has begun! We’re a little slow at getting our wheels started (except for the meals), but hopefully by the end of this weekend we’ll be in better swing of things. It’s always such a whirlwind of time flying by when Ash Wednesday happens; I don’t know if I can ever be completely on top of it at the very start of Lent. What about you? Are you hit with the ‘oh holy carps! It’s started!’ bug too?


My sewing machine arrived on Wednesday! But have I got it put in place and started sewing my Lent projects (that were supposed to be done by the start)? No, no. That’s too ambitious. It currently sits in its box still. I have, however, opened the instruction manual and come to the conclusion that this new sewing machine is way more advanced than I am. Or than I think I am. It is a computerized sewing machine and I have never touched or even glanced upon one before. And the bobbin. Oh my. The bobbin is completely different (bobbin is the spool that holds the lower sewing thread). I have a lot of learning to do in order to make a straight or zig-zag stitch. But I am looking forward to it. Summer sewing is definitely on my horizon.


IMG_1226We had a gaggle of priests over for supper on Sunday. While for them being a priest is primary to their understanding of themselves, both Andy and I knew them all before they got to that stage, so our primary in our understanding of them, as it is, would be that of goofy friends. We were extremely lucky to even have the chance to entertain Fr. Souk, who hails from Laos but studied with us at Newman. Fr. Souk’s story is pretty intense and blessed, as his country is communist and his becoming a priest was a bit of an adventure. But I’m not totally sure if I am allowed to share that story online. He is here on vacation and touring Western Canada visiting many friends he made while here. He happened to be coming through Saskatoon with Fr. Andew Schoenberger when we decided to invite Fr. Travis Myrheim, Fr. Darryl Millette & Fr. Geoffrey Young for supper, and they were able to join us.


It was a fantastically fun evening, some of them whom we haven’t seen in quite awhile. So we played some games, ending with a mafia game that got intense.


We bought Cassia a jolly jumper this week. As can be expected, she is in love with the thing. This video doesn’t really capture it, but it’s cute none-the-less. Typically she gets kicking so hard she looks like she’s Russian dancing.


Spencer made Valentine’s cards this year. Well, he helped at any rate, and it couldn’t have been done without him. He even sent one to Bishop Don (no response as of yet). Though his friend Jacinta mentioned him and his Valentine in her video, Deep Thoughts Big Red Chair.



For Valentines, I made us marzipan chocolates. They were delicious. Scrumptious, even.

IMG_1242Marzipan was from scratch, which I’ve never done before. Turned out great. Covered with chocolate – awesome. More to come on this in a later post 🙂


Andy has re-started to make our custom-fit wine cabinet. I think it’s looking amazing, and am extremely proud of him for persevering and continuing the project. It should free up some clutter in our ever-so-small storage area, and also be able to wheel out so that we can easily get to stuff behind it.

IMG_1238Yesterday, mid-afternoon.IMG_1243Today, early afternoon.


We get Fish & Chips tonight for supper! As long as I actually do our grocery shopping, we shall be enjoying the tastiness of homemade wonder food!

Happy Friday to you all!

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

One Comment

  • Travis

    1. I truly am inspired by your Lenten diet. So cool. But yeah, lent hit me like a brick again this year. But God allowed me to give up coffee so I guess that’s what I’m doing. Or at least reducing.

    2. Good luck with sewing, lol
    3. Oh, it’s “arrogance” of priests, lol. Thx so much for hosting! It was way to much fun! And Cassia is a super cutie!
    4. Bishop Don, ha
    5. Awesome valoween treat! #community
    6. It’s so cute how you are proud of him! Tear*
    7. Happy Lent!

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