
Prairie Driving

Well, we’re on Day 3 officially today, heading out to Winnipeg from Regina. The roads from Edmonton to Regina were great on Friday. We attempted to go visit Andy’s grandparents in Truax (south-west of Regina), got 10 minutes out of town and couldn’t see the road anymore because there was so much drifting snow. It was actually kind of freaky when big semi trucks would appear out of what seemed like nowhere only 10 feet in front of you. Thankfully they were on their side of the road still. We took video of it right before it got bad, and hopefully will post it once we get it off the camera. Oooh, Andy says they can only be uploaded to facebook at this time. Sorry! Check them out if you’re on facebook, though. He’ll figure a way to add videos to our website eventually. It’s just not a priority right now.

That’s our trip so far. Nothing spectacular, though one of the weird things for me is that we’re resetting our watches to Prairie time, but we won’t be setting them back. Cause we’re not going back. We’re actually moving. It still seems a little foreign, but it is weird what hits you when it starts to sink in.

Anyway, keep us in your prayers as we travel through land and time. The roads are said to be clear to Winnipeg today, so hopefully we won’t have any problems!

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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