Facebook is Worth $100 to Me
I have had the good fortune of being introduced to Facebook. Along with Facebook, as many of you know, comes all the applications that can make it more entertaining than just a social networking tool. One of the apps I subscribed to was one, oddly enough, that had to do with Harry Potter. Something along the lines of Harry Potter House Cup. Apparently it was affiliated with Warner Bros, and they had a contest running for a trip to 4 to London, England, along with various other prizes. Did I enter? Of course I entered, it was free, and what the hell, right? I never win anything in Canada.
Well, I won something. And it was so extremely exciting to get an email in Facebook telling me that I won one of the various other prizes (you didn’t think I won the big ticket, did you?). Yup, I will soon be carrying a $100 certificate to Noble Collection for their Harry Potter stuff, and I’m quite pumped. And that’s my story.