Gardening and Birthing
I couldn’t get my head to take the photos of the ‘garden’ on time, but here is the unfortunate reality:
Yes. Yes, that is snow on the window. You can probably get an idea where the photos might lead…
Basil & tomatoes on the left, chives and chives on the right. The chives are fine.
Sunflowers and green onions on the left, basil & tomatoes on the right. The green onions are fine.
My sweet peas. They seem to be reasonably okay.
It didn’t even get below 0 (C) when it snowed, and the forecast did not (conveniently) show snow for the forecast. But it seems to have killed my work in most pots. It was all of my basil, but not all of my tomatoes. Not by a long shot. So I’m disappointed, but not crushed.
Our sick pajama-clad boy
In other topics, I’m looking around for a doula for the birth of this babe. I have a lead, so I’ll hopefully hear from her soon and see if she’s taking clients at the time I’m due, as well as figure out what her fees for services are. I am sad that (so far) I won’t have a midwife this time. I cannot speak highly enough of the experience I had in Ottawa with the midwives, and I know that I won’t be getting that same care and attention with my doctor, as good as she is. It would be nice to have another advocate with us in the delivery room.
Doulas continue to intrigue me; while in Ottawa I remember thinking that profession can have such strong spiritual ties, it would be an interesting vocation to be called to, especially as a Christian. It still perks my interest, though I don’t know if I’d be much suited for it. Something to keep in mind, though.
If you’ve been following me on facebook, you probably know that Andy and I put an offer on a house. Unfortunately it wasn’t accepted, but we’re not too down on it. Basically what it came down to is that if it’s not in our financial scope, it’s not the right place for us, no matter how close it is. Though it was nice. We hardly expected to find something so nice in our price range. We’re okay with that though. Something better for us will come up when it’s time.
One Comment
Hey Jane. My sister is a doula and knows pretty well all of the Saskatoon doulas. If you need any help or references, let me know! 🙂