7 Quick Takes Friday #7qt
Slightly late today, just like baby is. Or is it all extremely on time?
No baby. 40 weeks.
Turns out the specialist that I saw has changed her tune in her recommendations. When I talked with her she told me that if I wanted people (meaning the doctors) to “back off” of pushing for inductions for the baby, then I should go for a bio-physical ultrasound at the hospital and as long as everything looks good, then there should be no concerns with waiting until labour starts naturally. When my doctor talked with her yesterday, she told her that even if the ultrasound has nothing that shows up, that the baby is still going to be a risk of dying if I am not induced. Yeah, they pulled the ‘baby dying’ card, which really bothers me. Evidence of a baby dying due to a women being given insulin for 2 months while pregnant is practically non-existent. There’s a higher risk for those who have un-managed diabetes, or for those who are diabetic outside of pregnancy, but no solid research exists for women with gestational diabetes. So I’m a little miffed. They want to induce me tomorrow (which is the second due date), but I’m really not ready to feel forced into something like that without first trying other methods for helping my body start labouring on its own.
My doctor was supposed to call me today to confirm what I want to do (she did let me know that ultimately it is my choice what I do), but she didn’t call. I’m taking that as a good sign. I expect she’ll call tomorrow. We are planning on waiting until Monday or Tuesday before we try any doctor-assisted methods. In the meantime, I went for acupuncture today, and if nothing happens before Tuesday, I’ll go again. My acupuncturist gave me some places to consistently apply acupressure for helping start labour along as well.
I went for 2 good walks today. I’ve been applying clary sage oil to my ankles and lower abdomen. And overall, I’m trying not to stress about it, which is hard to do. I trust my body and my baby will work with me on this, so we’ll see – maybe there will be a baby by the end of the long weekend 🙂
But not baby – flowers! Spencer’s little ‘garden’ has it’s first little sprouts up out of the ground and boy, is he ever excited! He’s so pleased with himself about it, it’s the sweetest thing to watch. I love that he helped to get the ground ready, then he planted the seeds (well, half of them), and now he gets to watch the fruits of his efforts. I’m excited to watch him revel in the bounty of our good earth and hard work.
My mum is visiting and holy moly, has it ever been such a great time having her here! She has helped out soo so so so much with the kids, freeing me up to relax some and get chores and little things done I wouldn’t otherwise place a priority on, as well as being able to let Andy keep working while I get to appointments and the like rather than him needing to watch the kidlets. And they have been having a great time with her too, fostering a great relationship. I’m very thankful she’s here to help out for this period in our lives. It’s only gonna get more crazy once babe is born.
And she bought me a pedicure! My feet haven’t felt so loved in such a long time 🙂
Big plans for tomorrow include buying compost for our lawn and garden. Aren’t we exciting? It’s the long weekend, folks – hope you have beautiful weather to soak up while you get an extra day off! Hope and pray for us that we can welcome our new edition this lovely weekend! Happy weekending!
Ice-creaming it on a hot day