7 Quick Takes Friday
Happy Christmas! We have had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas…though it’s Eve was a little frenzied (I needed some baking to eat myself silly with on Christmas). On Christmas day we went around to our immediate neighbours to give them a Christmas card & some Christmas baking (good cheer). Most were away, so they’ll get a nice surprise when they arrive back home. It was awfully cold outside.
Andy got me a knitting book that I had on my wishlist! I’m going through it and learning a couple new stitches. I’m anxious to get knitting on some of the projects in it!! Will update when I feel a little bit competent.
Spencer received from Santa a set of crafting scissors, like he asked. While we were crafting before Christmas, he was adamant that he use my scissors to cut paper for our crafts. Of course, my scissors are of the extremely sharp kind, so this didn’t happen much to his disappointment (read: tantrum). He has been busy trying to cut everything with his new scissors now. Early yesterday morning I saw him trying to cut the couch. *sigh*
I really really really want to knit socks. Last year I knit Spencer’s stocking using a sock knit pattern that had an option for a stocking. With Heather’s help (Andy’s sister), I was able to knit it (with a few gaping holes, but nothing horrible). I tried it on my foot before hanging it up this year and found it to fit really well (albeit big) and was extremely comfy. I made Andy try it on too and he agreed. I need to find some nice sock yard and have a go at it I think.
This year I sewed Cassia’s stocking. Last year after Christmas I bought a bunch of Christmas cloth from Fabricland as it was on sale (I did have an intention for all of it, but I never got around to it). So I used that fabric mixed with some beige linen for the lining from some old pants of mine that I’ve been repurposing and voila! She has a stocking that actually looks not bad at all. I definitely wouldn’t say it’s perfect, but I’m happy with it, and it worked really well. I’m so pleased with myself.
Andy and I have both incurred food-related Christmas injuries. He, on the Eve, burned himself with Hollandaise (we were having eggs Benedict for supper), and I, on Christmas day, was making jalapeno bacon poppers and burned myself on the jalapenos. Andy’s pain didn’t last long. Mine lasted a few hours. I have never been burned by jalapenos before; when purchasing them there were only small ones left in the bin, which I didn’t think was a big deal because a) they’re usually hotter and b) I didn’t have much choice. I have never experienced jalapenos as spicy as these ones have been. I can handle hot, but the first popper I ate made me nearly cry, even with the glasses of milk I downed. That’s when I started to realise why my fingers hurt so much. So now I’m scared of my creations, even though I know I’ll eat them anyway because, well, how can -anyone- pass up bacon?! Even if it burns.
And a great huge SHOUT OUT to Tim & Cheryl Novecosky (Cassia’s Godparents) whom we got to spontaneously see after we received an email from Tim around midnight last Saturday saying, ‘Hey! We’re having a surprise-like random birthday party for Cheryl on Sunday in Humbolt. Any chance you guys can join?’ Thankfully we were able to make it happen and we got to visit them again! Twice in a month(ish) span is awesome! Hope you guys had a safe flight back home to Ottawa!
Merry Christmas to all of you and a very Happy New Year!

I learned from past endeavors with hot peppers – rubber gloves. I once had burns on my fingers and under my nails after dicing a Salsa Pepper.
A verry Happy New Year to you too and thanks for the updates,hard to get it all in a phone call at times.