7 Quick Takes Friday
Yes, it’s been a few weeks. I have no great reason for this except that I felt like I needed a break. Therefore, this Quick Takes will be mostly a picture quick takes 🙂
Cassia was baptised in our community of faith! We had a great celebration and we managed to find a date that fit her Godparents (from Ottawa), Darryl (from Watson) and Andy’s parents (Regina), which was nothing short of a miracle.
She was trying on her Christmas dress. I just love the horrified/perturbed look on her face.
After a recent trip to the grandparents’, Andy remembered ‘helping’ wash dishes when he was younger. So we set up the scene for Spencer to start helping, and it’s working great! It keeps him occupied and out of trouble, he feels like he’s contributing (he’s not bad and prewashing!), and we have someone else to talk with while doing this monotonous job. All in all, it’s a great idea.
A few weeks ago we received a major dump of snow. Spencer received a snow shovel from the grandparents to help Andy remove snow. He overall loves the idea of helping. But really, he’s mostly just trying to eat snow.
This is our Jesse Tree. It really doesn’t look like a tree at all, but it does have symbols. I had a high and mighty idea last year that I’d make the symbols for this Advent. Like usual, I don’t live up to my expectations of my domestic self. So we’re using paper cut outs again. At least it works. Maybe next year.
We finished decorating our tree this Advent week of Gaudete (joy). Our tradition is to take it slow – the first week of Advent we just put the tree up. The next week we put the lights on. Gaudete week we put on the decorations.
You can tell a two year old is helping when you find decorations on the tree like this:
Hoping the rest of your Advent is wonderful, and that you have a most joyful season of Christmas! Will be back after Christmas!