A House?
You may surprised to learn that we have, indeed, purchased a house, pending inspections. You may not, perhaps, be as surprised as we are. We didn’t realise how quickly these things can happen. It was a coworker of Andy’s whose father is a realtor who mentioned to Andy on Wednesday, ‘Hey, there are a couple houses in Bourget I saw for sale that you might be interested in looking at.’ So innocent a comment. And fair enough – we have been casually looking at houses for the past 1/2 year or so, only within the past month or so had we become pre-approved for a mortgage.
I looked at the houses online; one of them looked of interest, so we called up Andy’s coworker’s father and asked if he could get a viewing for us. He could do so, so that evening we drove out to Bourget for a viewing. We soon realised that it is a very nice house. Many renovations done on it within the past few years, only 5 minute drive to Andy’s work, nice yard, 2 sheds, and very good price for all of it. We decided that it was worth making an offer on; the price was right, and overall we could save money. Our realtor called back later that evening and said that someone else has already made an offer on the house, in which the homeowners had until 6pm the next day to make a decision to accept it or not. If we wanted to make an offer, it had to be by 6pm Thursday. That is what started the rush on it all.
And so, we bid. And then we bid again. And then we gave our final bid, and threw in a bottle of wine. We won the bid. I’d like to think that it was the bottle of wine that swayed them. Closing date: August 20th. Move-in date: sometime after that. It sure is a crazy world! Feel free to check the house out – MLS # 757186.
So, apart from that surprising, but welcome, outcome, we have captured 2 mice. We believe that they are coming in through the hood fan. Or along the hood fan. We’ll have to write to the property management people about that. Ugh. Not nice.
And other than that, Spencer is definitely growing still. He’s almost outgrown many of the ‘3 month’ clothes that were gifted to him. He almost fits his ‘TCP/IP, but mostly IP’ onesie, which I’m excited about.
We haven’t really any pictures as of late, but I’ll make another post when I do. Hope everyone else is doing well! And congratulations to Frank and Sharon on their baby! We’re very much looking forward to hearing more about this new adventure!

One Comment
Congrats! That’s awesome! I will take a look at the photos when I get home.
On a side note, you really need to take a picture of Spencer in that onesie…