
Quick Update

Hello everyone!
Just a quick note – I updated my links to those pages that are currently active. If you regret being deleted, send me an email with an active site. Andy’s still on there out of …. well … spite, right now. We’re currently working on a website for both of us, but it’s still way in the works. Eventually it’ll take the place of this blog, our original wedding site, and Andy’s website (though his’ll still be around for archive reasons…if you know Andy, you know about his backups and archives he keeps for kicks).
Other than that, things are going well enough. Busy. My mom’ll be here for Easter, which’ll be grand and fun. We’ll be drinking lots of wine to celebrate Easter for 8 consecutive days. If you want to join in, just let us know before you show up :).
Other than that, nothing else is going on. Hope everything’s well with all of you?

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.


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