What A Ride!
Long journey! Between being married, wine touring, ordinationing, Reginaing, reading Harry, moving, and getting jobs, things have been pretty busy! Yay!
So, I am now Amanda Jane Korvemaker, and am in the process of changing documents to my assumed name. It shall take some time, but it will get there eventually. I just used that name officially today when writing up my resume and cover letter…it feels different. It’ll take some getting used to, but it’s exciting all the same!
We had a fabulous honeymoon, ranging from Kamloops to Penticton to Salmon Arm to Bow Valley Provincial Park, Saskatoon, Yorkton, Winnipeg, and Regina. We covered 4 provinces in the span of about 5 days, it was awesome! We rock!
We had a blast wine touring in the Okanagan. We found some exceptional wines, along with some not-so-exceptional ones. We spent more than we expected (though we didn’t know what to expect) and enjoyed ourselves immensely! It was bloody hot while there, one night it didn’t feel like it got below 25 out, which hurt, but we always had a breeze at our campsite, which was very helpful.
Darryl’s ordination was a blast, and we are so thankful we were able to make it! Our change in plans to stay in Canada definitely made that a blessing to us. It was awesome!
Winnipeg was the furthest east I’ve ever driven, and I can now say that I’ve driven the whole Yellowhead Highway, from Prince Rupert all the way to Winnipeg. Even though it actually stops before Winnipeg, nevertheless, it’s nearly there. We had a great time visiting with Jean and Janelle LaFrance, whom we stayed with. They were actually up here this weekend and we got to spend all of Saturday with them, which was really nice.
Regina was nice, as we stayed there for more than a day. I got to go to The Farm and meet a number of Andy’s relations out there. It was really great to meet some more of them, put some faces to names that had been spoken of for quite some time. The Farm is a neat little place. Well, not really so ‘little’, as there’s much opportunity for exploration there :).
And now we’re back. On the plus side, I’ve finally got health insurance (damn Alberta health), my driver’s license has been switch from the US to Canada, Andy and I both have temporary jobs at Newman College, and our place has a living room again!
I’ll post some pictures of the wedding here, and in future posts, I’ll put some up of the honeymoon. Enjoy!
