Yah yah, next one, it’s here
Alrighty. Well, last post was Friday, today is Tuesday, and things are going well, thanks for asking 😉
I was finally able to get to my chiropractor today (I was bumped to this week cause his vacation changed last week), and boy did I need an adjustment! I feel so much more free now! Yay! And I’m still going to Curves, which I really really like. And tonight I’m leading teen choir practice cause Rick’s out of town, so we’re going over the list of songs he left and then socialize after that. Maybe sing a tune or two.
What else. Oh, I’m feeling overwhelmed with all that has to be done before September. There’s a lot to do and I haven’t a) had time to delegate b) find people to delegate to.
This Sunday we’re heading off to Tijuana for a week. We’ll be back sometime late afternoon on the eighth, if any of you are curious. This means that I will not be updating my blog or putting up videos during this period, but I’ll get back to it once I’m back. Along with photos and stories, I’m sure, of our service trip.
And, without further adieu, the next video in the installment: Cat Herding
Have an awesome day!
