food,  health,  Liturgical Year

A Long-Expected Update

I have to admit, I am unsure what has happened over the past few months. Suddenly I had absolutely no desire to update our website, and poof, just like that, nothing happened. Odd how that happens, isn’t it?

However, I have definitely accumulated much material to post in this time, so hopefully that will help make up for the lack of material.

Alas that Lent is nearly over! I can’t believe where the time’s gone. Our major lenten activity this year involved having a static weekly menu. This is what it looks like:

Mondays – Spaghetti with meatballs

Tuesdays – Chicken Stew

Wednesdays – Meatloaf

Thursdays – BBQ chicken

Fridays – either vegetarian chili or fish cakes

Saturdays – leftovers

Sundays – anything for the day of the resurrection! and chocolate brioche.

This paring down of food in our household has done a number of things for me. I have definitely noticed an appreciation for special meals (we had a Mexican Fiesta one weekend with friends, and it felt very extravagant). I have experienced a lot of stress release through not having to plan out something new every week. I have come to know what to expect when grocery shopping which also helps make it less stressful, and it has cut down on my grocery shopping time because I can bypass many of the aisles. And an unexpected bonus was that we have found the recipes are large enough to cover 2 weeks at a time. So we are spending a lot less on food each week, and it’s especially nice to only need to buy meats once every two weeks, which usually means I can find a sale.

This has been a very beneficial lenten activity for us, and I’m very glad that we are able to partake in simplifying our lives to help prepare for Christ and the celebration of Easter.

Our house has been very sick lately – last week Spence and I had the flu, and we’re both now on antibiotics because of it. Spencer for an ear infection and I for a gland infection (sinus pressure hurts horribly!). Andy’s trying to fight off something, likely what Spence and I had, but only time will tell whether he manages that or not.

In the past week Spencer has had a huge mental growth spurt, as he’s now signing back to us much of what we’ve been signing to him since 5 months. His absolute, hands-down favourite, though, is dog. He LOVES dogs. When we go for walks, we go dog hunting. He’ll spend much time at his window looking out below at both traffic and watching for any dog that could possibly be out there.

He is learning more everyday, and keeping Andy and I on our toes for learning more relevant signs for him. Just today he started signing ‘music’ when ABBA came on (he mimicked my motion for the sign and has been doing it on his own since).

So here are a few pictures from the Visit. More pics are posted in the ‘Spencer’ gallery, and I’ll feature some on the main page later this week.

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Some Grandpa time.

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Grandma helping out with the milk.

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Museum of War – Spencer liked the cannons.

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Spence and I.

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Museum of Agriculture had a play area Spencer enjoyed.

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Time well spent with Grandma and Grandpa!


Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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