
Catholic Media

We have been busy and we started a new adventure just a few weeks ago with a friend of ours. We have started a Catholic podcast about ministry in the church; it’s called Hot Cup of Ministry. We’re very new at this, but we’re very enthusiastic about it 🙂 Fr. Darryl Millette, Andy and I are the hosts, and each week we chat about things that pertain to church ministry. We had a great guest this past week, Rick Hardy, who is a former colleague of mine from the US, and we talked about the Creed we use in liturgies to the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) and how it affects liturgy in our parishes.

I encourage you to check it out, see if it’s of interest to you. If anything, you can bask in the enjoyment of listening to my sultry voice (I am kidding, of course. I hardly think people would bask in it).

In line with our new podcast, I really want to encourage you to support Catholic Media, whether I’m a host of it or not ;). Darryl wrote a great paragraph on it on his site, so I’m going to steal it for the sake of not thinking too hard:

On March 15, 2011, everyone with a blog, podcast, or Facebook page should list their favorite 3 blogs, 3 podcasts, 3 other media, 3 random Catholic things online, and their own projects.

Then, post the link to your list here on March 15th.

Lastly, on March 15th, go to iTunes and leave at least 3 positive written reviews for various Catholic podcasts and 3 positive written reviews for Catholic mobile applications.

This idea was started was started by Greg Willits, co-host of “The Catholics Next Door” on the Sirius/XM Catholic Channel. He noticed that in several places that list the top blogs or podcasts in religious categories, they’ll rarely have Catholic resources in their top lists.

For example, the number of Catholic podcasts in the iTunes Religion and Spirituality category is very small (practically nonexistent). Wicca rates higher than great Catholic podcasts such as the aforementioned The Catholics Next Door podcast or The Catholic Guy Show.

(And it’s definitely waaaay higher than Hot Cup of Ministry. :-))

So join in on March 15! Let’s get some of the great Catholic new media that’s out there to trend up in Twitter, iTunes, Facebook, and any other forms of the internet that you use!

Here’s the link: http://www.facebook.com/promotecatholicism

-Courtesy of Darryl

There is so much great Catholic Media out there, we should definitely be trying to advocate for it whenever we can! Just to name a few ones that I either visit regularly or listen to regularly:

Pray As You Go – Jesuit daily reflection on a reading from the day

Catholic Mom – reflections and resources for Catholic moms

Momopoly – Kate Wicker’s adventures in being a mom

Faith and Family Live – Catholic magazine and it’s online resources and articles; I love flipping through this site

A few on my resource-website list:

Outside da Box – videos for youth ministry to help bring them closer to Christ

CCCB  daily Mass Readings – listen to the readings of the day from the NAB bible

Busted Halo – online magazine geared towards young adults

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

One Comment

  • Darryl

    I can’t quite take claim to the whole paragraph, as the first part comes from the facebook.com/promotecatholicism info page (everything before I wrote “This idea was started by Greg Willits…” I guess I could have cited that, eh? :-))

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