7 Quick Takes Friday
Apologies, apologies for the confusion about the pseudo-post yesterday…I was testing a feature out that we’ve never used, along with editing a post that will be elsewhere later…
So I’m making it up with a 7QT. And pictures.

We attended a family retreat in Martensville a couple weekends ago – it was fabulous! The kids had their own retreat, there was a nursery, and then there was the retreat for the adults. It felt almost like being pampered having the kids taken care of so much!
We realised that this would be the first time Felicity would be on her own – I don’t think she’d ever been separated from all of us at once before! She was completely fine in the morning, waving to us and then turning her back so quickly, but after lunch (which she had with us) it was a different story. Thankfully we were able to make it work still, and I do think she had a lovely time in the morning playing.

It doesn’t look like it, but the weather’s been taking a fabulous warm turn and I believe we have ourselves an early spring here in the north. This was a particularly windy day, and wind, even in spring, can take away all the warmth.
BUT we’ve been enjoying finally getting outside to play. Only warmth ahead! And maybe a little rain. We will blaze forward and enjoy gardening! Or, at least I will.
Lazy daisy. Picked up some screws at Home Depot the other day with the girls, turned around for a minute, looked back and found her like this. Chillaxing. *Sigh* the life of a 2-year-old.
So Cassia has taken up the hobby of drawing. It’s love/hate for me. I love her cute little people she draws. I hate the millions of sheets of paper left all over the living room floor, the kitchen table, the den…
A friend years ago recommended just using drawing books so that everything is contained…it might take some convincing before we get to that.
Interestingly though, as illustrated in the picture above, she’s demonstrated that she can draw in other people’s style as well. I think it’s so neat! The way she draws pictures and the way Spencer does are different and easy to tell apart. She completely recognises this and when she went to draw Spencer (yelling his head off, she tells me), she drew him in his own style of drawing. Then she drew herself (jus’ tawkin to m’self).
I’m so intrigued where she gets her inspiration from – no one has ever told her (that I’m aware) that girls should have eye lashes and boys shouldn’t, for instance. There have been a few other interesting things too. Recently fingers have been added to her peoples.
I’ve been working hard on my Catechesis of the Good Shepherd materials. I feel that I have the foresight of Dory, that is to say nil, and so I’ve been scrambling a great deal attempting to get my materials in order. Saturdays this month have felt so very inconsistent, between my having to cancel a few sessions and kids having other random activities, I’m feeling behind in presentations, which is hard! Especially in Lent, these presentations are all key to receiving the Easter presentations. Le sigh. March, why were you out to get me?
However, I’m getting materials made so there’s progression.
Speaking of materials, if you follow me on social media you may have seen this, but it’s too good not to record here.
So, I was painting the Good Shepherd figure, I got to the face and became stuck at the mouth. I hate doing mouths. So I decided to postpone it until after the kids were in bed and I could look online to see what others have done for the GS’s mouth.
Spencer, however, noticed that the Shepherd was incomplete. So Spencer thought he’d offer his talents. I believe the conversation went something like this:
Mommy, I can do it for you. I’m good at making mouths. See, he’s eating a bird in that one.

I gracefully declined.
But I love his options.
I made this the other day:
It’s like a stacked bread…roll it out, spread it with butter, herbs and cheese, slice it to squares, stack it in the pan and bake like normal.
So I ate about half the loaf. And while it was darn delicious, I think it could have been better. Have you ever made this before? What have you used for flavour?
Head on over to Kelly’s page for allll the other Takes!

That bread needs garlic and plenty of it!
I love the different drawing styles. When my daughter was little she made sure to give everyone she drew belly buttons.
Belly buttons! Right? They seem to be a universal norm for kids’ drawings. I remember doing them too.