birthday,  Kids

Disappearing Time and the Case of the Seven-Year-Old

Disappearing as in, where did the time go?

A whole month has gone by since I last posted. Anyone else feel like it’s a blur? Is this what adulting is about? Being continually surprised by how long it has been since the last time I acknowledged the time?

This past week we celebrated our firstborn’s seventh birthday. He was quite pleased. It’s been a big year for him – from starting Grade 1 to losing several teeth via the dentist to starting karate…he’s grown so much. It’s been an interesting and joy-filled journey. I wouldn’t say the easiest journey – he has tons of energy and is extroverted, which is complete opposite to Andy and I. We’re still working at learning more about this child of ours to help him to succeed in life, and loving him up as much as we can. So here’s to celebrating our big seven year old – with our annual interview:

What is your favourite colour?


What is your favourite toy?

Lego and puppy [the stuffy].

What is your favourite food?

Brunch! And pasta. I have a lot of stuff that’s my favourite food.

What kind of food do you not like?

Tomato soup. It’s one of the things I don’t like. 

What do you want to do when you grow up?

A race car driver. Maybe? I don’t know.

What do you like to do with Daddy?

Go to his work.

What do you like to do with Mommy?

I don’t know. Going outside and playing, and going to the park. And drawing pictures. With chalk. Or just in the snow.

What does Daddy do?

He works for the church. That’s all I know.

What does Mommy do?

She takes care of us.

What does Felicity do?

She just putters around and plays. Sometimes not very good at staying away from things I don’t want her to [play with].

What does Cassia do?

Plays with me and Felicity and putters around.

What does Spencer do?

I play with the girls and I like to play with Lego a lot. Oh, and play the princess and kitty game [<- a game he’s made up with his sisters and they play often]

Is there anything else you’d like to tell me about being seven?

That I’m a little older and I get to lift Cassia and Felicity a lot better.

Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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