Kids,  Vacation

Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

2016-01-18 17.07.33 - editFebruary is notoriously cold in Canada. Except this year. Except in Saskatoon. We are enjoying such amazingly warm winter weather and it’s helped to alleviate the Cabin Craze like a balm to a wound. Felicity doesn’t go out with the older two to play (she hates snow at this point), but she takes great delight and amusement in watching her siblings out the back door. Spencer, especially, takes time to amuse her when he’s on the deck, jumping around, falling over, throwing snow at the window. He loves amusing her when he’s outside, and I’m ever-grateful for his choice. It helps alleviate my Cabin Craze when Felicity isn’t whining at me while I get supper done. 2016-01-18 17.08.15 - editAndy gave me a great gift for Christmas this year – a weekend away from parental responsibilities. So this past weekend was the weekend. Andy’s weekends run Friday-Saturday currently, due to sacramental prep/RCIA responsibilities, so I had those days plus a bonus Monday to my joy-filled self (Family day was yesterday). Friends of mine invited me over to their place out of town for a night, and I happily accepted the gift of a night without interruptions and a silent-filled relaxing morning. It was, without a doubt, a handful of bliss to enjoy those gifts.

So I’m feeling refreshed and relaxed, especially after such a busybusy last month with schooling and conferences and sicknesses and work…such a great gift in the midst of a busy season. A big big heart-felt thank you to my awesome husband Andy for being awesome. Like a hero.

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I love how cheesy this is.

And that is how we do the February this year.


Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.

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