Divine Mercy for Moms – a book review
I’ve been excited to share this since I received it in the mail a few weeks ago! One of the authors, Michele Faehnle, offered Divine Mercy for Moms for review and I jumped at the chance – it had been on my mind to get this book just previous to this opportunity.
Here’s the thing – if you want a book to challenge you to grow in ways that are achievable while simultaneously increasing your prayer life, then Divine Mercy for Moms is definitely for you!
Each chapter is a story and shared reflection on a theme interspersed with wisdom from St. Faustina’s diary. At the end of each chapter we are given challenges based on the chapter’s contents, in deed, in word, and in prayer. And, my friends, I found how surprised I was at how I could easily incorporate each of the challenges into my day. For instance, at the beginning of next week I will be starting a book club for this very book (squee!). One of the ladies invited just gave birth, and though she’d love to join, it’s not a great time for her. Wanting her to feel included though she can’t attend, I made a printable through the magic of PicMonkey with a phrase that is reflected on at the end of the first chapter. When Andy came home, I popped out of the house and dropped it off. The challenge in word for the chapter was to reach out to a friend in need and share God’s mercy with that person. I know my friend appreciated the image and I look forward to praying for her and her family as they become recluse for awhile. I loved doing this! and the beauty of it is that it doesn’t even have to be this complicated! A simple text, phone call, email is much easier and still is a way of reaching out and connecting. Each chapter contained suggestions for every mom, busy or not, and made them easy to achieve.
Most importantly, this book introduced me into the beauty of the chaplet of Divine Mercy. I had perhaps prayed this chaplet only a few times before reading this book, but have been doing it every day, sometimes multiple times, since starting this book. I have found it to be easy to fit into my schedule (it takes only about 5 minutes) and its short, repetitious prayers as simple and easy to remember. I expect that my kids will be able to pick this up after a short time of introduction, and it is beautiful that it is a deep prayer for mercy that even the littlest in my family can participate in. This prayer has become my go-to prayer whenever I need it or when I offer to say a prayer for someone. It is simple, easy, and helps us to reflect on the saving grace that Jesus offers us through his sorrowful passion.
Divine Mercy for Moms is a great book to challenge and inspire you; I definitely recommend! Huge thanks to Michele for offering the book for review – it has set me on a new exciting path in my prayer life, and the challenges at the end of each chapter can be used day after day for continued growth! I’ll be reaping these benefits for years to come – so should you!
Divine Mercy for Moms is a great book to challenge and inspire you; I definitely recommend! Share on XFor more information about the book, head on over to their website, Divine Mercy for Moms.
I received a free copy of this book, but no other compensation, for the purpose of this review. Opinions expressed here are mine alone.