Churchy Things

What I Wore Sunday #wiws Good Shepherd Sunday

We were enjoying balmy +15 to +20C weather here all last week. And then.

snow in april 2015Just slightly less than 1 foot of snow.

Doesn’t look like it was possible that we were frolicking in the back yard and even *gasp* watering the lawn. Nor that we attempted to build a raised garden bed last weekend (disaster, by the way. At least the first time around).

This is a most disturbing turn of events. On the other hand, having a weekend we were forced to stay inside, we managed to do a ton of inside stuff that needed to happen. Like switching beds between rooms (included taking apart a crib) and completely rearranging our room and actually cleaning it (we cleaned it enough to vacuum – unbelievable). So at least it wasn’t a complete loss.

We managed to get our car our of the snow and were able to drive to church (though we nearly got stuck in the parking lot there), and so here we be, in what we wore Sunday.

2015-04-26 14.05.22Me: I can’t remember where I got the dress; likely Reitmans (that’s what you get for working there 4 years) sweater is from Thyme Maternity, as I’ve previously worn
Spencer: shirt and pants are from Once Upon a Child
Cassia: recent hand-me-down

And in case you didn’t think Canadians were crazy enough, here’s our neighbour cleaning off his car this morning. With sandals. Didn’t look fazed at all. This is, apparently, what he wore Sunday.2015-04-26 08.54.12For more awesome outfits, check out Fine Linen and Purple’s What I Wore Sunday!


Loving God through my family, friends, and interactions in my world.


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