The Funky Monkey’s First
One year ago a little blessing fully entered into our lives.
She has been filled with joy, happiness, and contentment. Smiles all the time. She has, by far, been our most content baby during this age.
Her name means both ‘happy’ and ‘lucky’. She has been full of both meanings for us in her one year of life with us here.
She had a few issues to begin with – 4 months of an undiagnosed tongue tie, which ended up permanently damaging our breastfeeding relationship. But we continued on, thankful for the resources available to us to help her be healthy.
It’s been with wonder and awe as I watched her brother and sister pour out their love for her, wanting to be with her, to hold her, to give her hugs and kisses, all up to and including today.
And although I’ve taken the least amount of photos of her compared to the other two, I still feel that we can look back on her growth and the joy she’s brought to us.
She started walking a week and two days before her birthday, which is about the same as her older sister.
She’s discovered a love of sweets earlier than we let her older siblings do so (thanks in part to those older siblings and their desire to share with her).
She’s decided to try to wean herself from a bottle before her 1st birthday, which has not coincided with my plans for her, but she is determined to try to do things her way. But she has also figured out how to use a straw and happily takes milk at the table in a cup this way.
We’re overjoyed to be celebrating such an amazing year full of great memories with our little Felicity, whom we’ve nicknamed Funky. And she’s just that – our little funky girl growing and being loved and loving her world.
Happy first birthday, Felicity!