Canada Day!
We spent part of the day on Parliament Hill with Kat, Marc, & Cory, and then went for supper at a pub. It was a great afternoon! I made a new gallery with the photos from the day, as not all of them were of Spencer (though most of them are). We didn’t stay for the concert (worried about the loudness and Spencer’s hearing) nor did we stay for fireworks (we were tired and Spencer needed to sleep). However, we did watch a number of residential fireworks from our balcony, and then finished off with a Stargate Atlantis. Oh, and then I stayed up until midnight finishing The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown. Needless to say, I’m a bit tired today. Overall, the end of the book was a bit of a let down, but there was a good twist on the storyline, so that made up for part of it.
So, today we plan to clean. And clean. Get this place cleaned up both for company that’s coming over for lunch tomorrow, as well as to clean the place before we take off for awhile. That way (I’m gambling) it won’t be as stressful when we return from our trip. I like a clean apartment I can walk into after the stress of traveling. So we’ll see what we’re able to get done.
Oh! And Project Rearrange is nearly complete, for those who remember. We’ve successfully moved the computer into the living room, moved the spare bed into the old computer room, and moved a bookshelf into Spencer’s room. Now we just need to organise all the little things that went everywhere. That will, indeed, be part of our clean up today. We shall see what happens.
I took a picture of Andy yesterday that, oddly, has a striking resemblance to a photo of Spencer from a number of months back (a number! Can you believe it! He’s 5 months old yesterday!). For your comparison, take a good look at these two photos:
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Today’s Picture: Spencer playing with his daddy.
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Yesterday’s picture: Right before a big spit up by Spencer, you can see the gathering storm in his mouth if you look closely enough. Beware the foaming mouth…
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One Comment
So in those first two pics, I think you need to get the Version 1.0 and Version 2.0 shirts from thinkgeek.