Driving driving driving…
Good morrow, peoples!
Today is Friday, which is usually a weekend day for me. But not today *sigh*. Though I do go for my driving test today, so please say a prayer for me! It’s at 11am, so I have 4 hours. I’ve done some practice routes, but I’ll be honest – I haven’t studied thoroughly the rules of the road for California. Oh well. We’ll see what happens. I’ll need to wash my car for the test, as I’m not sure it’s ‘safe’ with the windows so dirty.
Other than that, things are trekking along. I had an absolutely splitting headache yesterday, I think my neck is out, so I called for an appointment today. Then I go to work and work on stuff for Youth Day! So that we can get our tickets before they sell out. Blaaargh. That’s how I’m feeling about work.
Tomorrow, though, I’m heading to a bridal show which should be interesting. I’m looking for ideas, and hopefully I’ll come across some! Yep, that’s about it. Anything interesting happening in your lives lately? (GO ESKIMOS!)
Update: I passed the behind-the-wheel test!