I cunningly went to and typed in ‘Rufus Scrimgeour’ and you’ll never guess the coolest thing about it: I’m directly after the Harry Potter Lexicon in the search results! They’re totally one of the biggest Potter sites out there (and currently in #1 spot in the search for Rufus Scrimgeour) and my blog, that’s right, -my- blog, is directly after them. JK Rowling herself gave the HP Lex an award for their amazingly thorough information site, and she even used it herself when she couldn’t remember small little details about things. Also, the link to the Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes on the bar of my blog is to the Lexicon. I feel so honoured. So honoured, in fact, that I’m going to put a link here so that all can see.
Thinking about it, it might not be the best thing, really, as I use quoted text on this blog from the book, but I’m not making money from it…anyways. Likely nothing will come of that.
I think that just made my day.