Uhhh, hello? Is this thing still on?
*Blows onto the keyboard, a cloud of dust billowing in front of the screen* Welp. It’s been a quiet year. On el-bloggo. I’m not shocked at my lack of blogging; there have been…
When in Doubt…
When in doubt…cook some bacon. Things usually go uphill for at least a little while. Food is on the Mind My non-Lenten-but-feeling-Lenten diet has been quite the battle. Most days it has been…
Wilds of British Columbia. And Kids.
Earlier this year I traveled into the wilds by myself with our three wild kids through Saskatchewan, through Alberta, to halfway through British Columbia. To Prince George, in fact. The place, not the…
Protected: First Eucharist & Confirmation PLUS Farm Week
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Oops, She Did It Again
That 2 year old. She is absolutely intent on cutting her hair. So she did it again. Le sigh. And I won’t be calling her a 2 year old for much longer (eek!).…