Life with children is not always what we imagined, pre-children, what it was cracked up to be. I know I had a very different idea(s) about what I would do when I had kids. I’ve since learned to (mostly) shut my mouth about what I think I know. But it doesn’t mean that parenting is any easier. I started this “Happiness is…” project to remind me of the good that happens in my weeks with the kids. It’s not that it’s necessarily hard to find the good, but I often forget. To use a well-used analogy, I can’t see the forest for the trees and the good can get lost in the bad. While the bad stuff keeps happening (as it always will – one more peanut buttered head, or milk spilled on the floor, or pumpkin plants cut up to pieces), I can look joyfully at my pictures to remind me that our happiness keeps happening too. Sometimes it’s about the kids, and sometimes it’s about a moment of joy in the cleanliness of a counter. Or an early bedtime and some free time. Whatever it is, it’s a little piece of happiness I can reflect back on. Welcome to the Happiness project.
Happiness is… (vol 22)
Finally finding a picture of your younger self and knowing that yes, indeed, your side of the genes will be passed on.
Happiness is… (vol 21)
Finding a new way to use a mini-trampoline. With joy. And splashing. Spencer came up with this idea and was super thrilled with himself that he did. We had a good time outside…
Happiness is… (vol 20)
Om nom nom. First raspberries of the first-ever picking season. Loving all the red on the raspberry bushes that I’m seeing 🙂
Happiness is… (vol 19) & Canada Day
Happy Canada Day from the Korvemakers! Celebrating in style with sparklers on the deck. Do you know they say they shouldn’t be used unless at least 8 years old? Pffffft. No one’s hair…