Weather and Soup
There’s not much to say about getting lots of rain, except that I hope we don’t flood like Estevan did yesterday. At least this week our parish has Vacation Bible School (super yay for Cat.Chat!) so we won’t be cooped up the whole time here and the kids are getting their daily recommended socializing. I have little desire to be outside in rainy, wet weather and less still with three children.
This past weekend we had a bit of a meal making frenzie. It was short (about 3 hours) as it was between having to work on my business stuff Saturday morning and then Saturday Mass at 5pm, but I made chicken stock (hurrah!) and a Veggie-Lentil soup while Andy did something…oh! he made meatballs.
Sunday I made an absolutely delectable Tortellini Soup and it is my highest recommendation I can give in that department – I seriously don’t believe I’ve made anything more tasty. You can find detailed photographs on the Closet Cooking website. It has tomatoes, parm, spinach, did I mention parm?, tortellini, basil, cream. Soooo good. I ate waaay too much of it yesterday. My girls got picky with the spinach, which set them off and then refuse the rest, but I’m not gonna care cause it leaves much more for me. I’m just gonna claim their share now. Recipe notes:
- If you collect Parmesan rinds (like we *ahem* might), this is the soup to use them in. I cut the parm in half and used two rinds in the soup (soak them in the soup while cooking, remove before serving)
- I used the basil pesto option for adding basil and
- Now that I’ve tried the soup basically ‘as is’ I’m definitely going to try just using milk instead of cream. While it’s tantalizingly creamy, I think the milk would be enough to give it that edge.
If you’re looking for a treat of a soup, definitely give this one a go. You’ll love it.