Snow to the glow
Happy Feast day of St. Francis! and it’s the eve of our eldest daughter’s birthday as well. So much to celebrate!
As I sit here the prediction for snow has come true today. It’s sad and expected and because it’s mixed with rain, there is absolutely nothing pretty about it. The wind is out in gale forces and I have absolutely no desires to go outside at all today. Like, zip.
Last night was a bedtime doozy. I wrote a whole post about it before glancing over it and thinking, ‘that’s just so depressing’ and promptly deleted it. I’ll sum it up by saying that when I was younger, I never dreamed a goal in life would be to not threaten one of my offspring with sleeping in the spare room with the door closed tight. Hopes are high here, folks. Maybe too high.
In Other News
We just came back from a quick weekend getaway to Edmonton. I had a moment when we were all buckled in and we were just driving off when I realised that being crazy is really just a hair over a line. My eldest daughter, by some unknown means of magic, turned into a little monster a block away from home on the *ahem* SIX hour trip. Like, wth. She was a decent human being before we were in the vehicle, but someone seemed to have given her a mask of monstrous proportions. Or a monster mask of proportions? Maybe just a monster mask that she wore well. Anyway. SO glad that’s done with for now. Anyone else have a child who turns into an unknown creature of whining when they go on trips? I’m all ears since we’re Thanksgiving ourselves into Regina this next weekend here.
Our purpose in Edmonton was to go see Jim Gaffigan’s live performance. And we succeeded, though we got there at 7:02 (the show technically started at 7:00). So I’m very glad they weren’t up to the German’s punctuality because the opener was really quite good. If you ever get a chance to see Mister Gaffigan live, he’s definitely worth the 6 hour drive 🙂 It was great and we had some fabulous laughs, and we had a great visit with our friends in Edmonton. I love spending time with them, and now they’re expecting a baby and I just want to move there so that I can love and kiss their little one and help with all the mundane and overwhelming tasks of everyday life. So excited for them!
And we are back for but a little while here, which means laundry, laundry, laundry. And cake, cause there’s a birthday.